1. PLL.v
// synopsys translate_off`timescale 1 ps / 1 ps// synopsys translate_onmodule PLL ( inclk0, c0, c1, c2); input inclk0; output c0; output c1; output c2; wire [5:0] sub_wire0; wire [0:0] sub_wire6 = 1'h0; wire [2:2] sub_wire3 = sub_wire0[2:2]; wire [1:1] sub_wire2 = sub_wire0[1:1]; wire [0:0] sub_wire1 = sub_wire0[0:0]; wire c0 = sub_wire1; wire c1 = sub_wire2; wire c2 = sub_wire3; wire sub_wire4 = inclk0; wire [1:0] sub_wire5 = {sub_wire6, sub_wire4}; altpll altpll_component ( .inclk (sub_wire5), .clk (sub_wire0), .activeclock (), .areset (1'b0), .clkbad (), .clkena ({ 6{ 1'b1}}), .clkloss (), .clkswitch (1'b0), .enable0 (), .enable1 (), .extclk (), .extclkena ({ 4{ 1'b1}}), .fbin (1'b1), .locked (), .pfdena (1'b1), .pllena (1'b1), .scanaclr (1'b0), .scanclk (1'b0), .scandata (1'b0), .scandataout (), .scandone (), .scanread (1'b0), .scanwrite (1'b0), .sclkout0 (), .sclkout1 ()); defparam altpll_component.clk0_divide_by = 2, altpll_component.clk0_duty_cycle = 50, altpll_component.clk0_multiply_by = 1, altpll_component.clk0_phase_shift = "0", altpll_component.clk1_divide_by = 1250, altpll_component.clk1_duty_cycle = 50, altpll_component.clk1_multiply_by = 1597, altpll_component.clk1_phase_shift = "0", altpll_component.clk2_divide_by = 32, altpll_component.clk2_duty_cycle = 50, altpll_component.clk2_multiply_by = 23, altpll_component.clk2_phase_shift = "0", altpll_component.compensate_clock = "CLK0", altpll_component.inclk0_input_frequency = 20000, altpll_component.intended_device_family = "Cyclone II", altpll_component.lpm_type = "altpll", altpll_component.operation_mode = "NORMAL", altpll_component.pll_type = "FAST", altpll_component.port_activeclock = "PORT_UNUSED", altpll_component.port_areset = "PORT_UNUSED", altpll_component.port_clkbad0 = "PORT_UNUSED", altpll_component.port_clkbad1 = "PORT_UNUSED", altpll_component.port_clkloss = "PORT_UNUSED", altpll_component.port_clkswitch = "PORT_UNUSED", altpll_component.port_fbin = "PORT_UNUSED", altpll_component.port_inclk0 = "PORT_USED", altpll_component.port_inclk1 = "PORT_UNUSED", altpll_component.port_locked = "PORT_UNUSED", altpll_component.port_pfdena = "PORT_UNUSED", altpll_component.port_pllena = "PORT_UNUSED", altpll_component.port_scanaclr = "PORT_UNUSED", altpll_component.port_scanclk = "PORT_UNUSED", altpll_component.port_scandata = "PORT_UNUSED", altpll_component.port_scandataout = "PORT_UNUSED", altpll_component.port_scandone = "PORT_UNUSED", altpll_component.port_scanread = "PORT_UNUSED", altpll_component.port_scanwrite = "PORT_UNUSED", altpll_component.port_clk0 = "PORT_USED", altpll_component.port_clk1 = "PORT_USED", altpll_component.port_clk2 = "PORT_USED", altpll_component.port_clk3 = "PORT_UNUSED", altpll_component.port_clk4 = "PORT_UNUSED", altpll_component.port_clk5 = "PORT_UNUSED", altpll_component.port_clkena0 = "PORT_UNUSED", altpll_component.port_clkena1 = "PORT_UNUSED", altpll_component.port_clkena2 = "PORT_UNUSED", altpll_component.port_clkena3 = "PORT_UNUSED", altpll_component.port_clkena4 = "PORT_UNUSED", altpll_component.port_clkena5 = "PORT_UNUSED", altpll_component.port_enable0 = "PORT_UNUSED", altpll_component.port_enable1 = "PORT_UNUSED", altpll_component.port_extclk0 = "PORT_UNUSED", altpll_component.port_extclk1 = "PORT_UNUSED", altpll_component.port_extclk2 = "PORT_UNUSED", altpll_component.port_extclk3 = "PORT_UNUSED", altpll_component.port_extclkena0 = "PORT_UNUSED", altpll_component.port_extclkena1 = "PORT_UNUSED", altpll_component.port_extclkena2 = "PORT_UNUSED", altpll_component.port_extclkena3 = "PORT_UNUSED", altpll_component.port_sclkout0 = "PORT_UNUSED", altpll_component.port_sclkout1 = "PORT_UNUSED";endmodule
2. VGA_Control.v
module VGA_Control(input CLOCK_50,input RSTn,input [3:0] KEY,output VGA_BLANK_N,output VGA_CLK,output VGA_SYNC_N,output VGA_VS,output VGA_HS,output [7:0] VGA_R,output [7:0] VGA_G,output [7:0] VGA_B);//==============================VGA底层驱动-时序控制====================================reg[9:0] H_Cont; //行扫描计数器reg[9:0] V_Cont; //列扫描计数器reg vga_hs;reg vga_vs;reg[10:0] X; //横坐标reg[10:0] Y; //纵坐标assign VGA_HS=vga_hs;assign VGA_VS=vga_vs;//水平参数parameter H_FRONT=16;parameter H_SYNC=96;parameter H_BACK=48;parameter H_ACT=640;parameter H_BLANK=H_FRONT+H_SYNC+H_BACK;parameter H_TOTAL=H_FRONT+H_SYNC+H_BACK+H_ACT;//垂直参数parameter V_FRONT=11;parameter V_SYNC=2;parameter V_BACK=32;parameter V_ACT=480;parameter V_BLANK=V_FRONT+V_SYNC+V_BACK;parameter V_TOTAL=V_FRONT+V_SYNC+V_BACK+V_ACT;//锁相环产生25MHZ的时钟wire CLK_25;PLL pll0(.inclk0 ( CLOCK_50 ),.c0 ( CLK_25 ));//Select DAC CLOCKassign VGA_CLK = CLK_25;assign VGA_SYNC_N = 1'b0; //If not SOG, Sync input should be tied to 0;assign VGA_BLANK_N = ~((H_Cont=H_BLANK) X<=H_Cont-H_BLANK;else X<=0;endend//水平扫描always@(posedge VGA_HS, negedge RSTn)beginif(!RSTn)begin V_Cont<=0; vga_vs<=1; Y<=0;endelse begin if(V_Cont =V_BLANK) Y<=V_Cont-V_BLANK; else Y<=0; endend//================================================VGA显示================================================= reg[7:0] vga_r;reg[7:0] vga_g;reg[7:0] vga_b;assign VGA_R=vga_r;assign VGA_G=vga_g;assign VGA_B=vga_b;//==========显示控制算法模块===========//==========键盘检测===========wire isDown1;wire isDown2;wire isDown3;wire isDown4;Button_Module b0( .CLOCK_50(CLOCK_50), .RSTn(RSTn), .key(KEY[3]), .isDown(isDown1) );Button_Module b1( .CLOCK_50(CLOCK_50), .RSTn(RSTn), .key(KEY[2]), .isDown(isDown2) );Button_Module b2( .CLOCK_50(CLOCK_50), .RSTn(RSTn), .key(KEY[1]), .isDown(isDown3) );Button_Module b3( .CLOCK_50(CLOCK_50), .RSTn(RSTn), .key(KEY[0]), .isDown(isDown4) ); //=========一旦检测到按键,产生一个高脉冲 reg Start_Sig;always@(posedge CLOCK_50, negedge RSTn)if(!RSTn) Start_Sig <= 1'b0; else begin if(isDown1 || isDown2 || isDown3 || isDown4) Start_Sig <= 1'b1; else Start_Sig <= 1'b0; end //============产生随机数==============wire [1:0] direction;wire Done_Sig;suijishu s0( .clk(CLK_25), .RSTn(RSTn), .Start_Sig(Start_Sig), .Done_Sig(Done_Sig), .direction(direction) ); //====================================================================//======判断为E显示还是结果显示reg [1:0] i;reg [1:0] qi;always@(posedge CLOCK_50, negedge RSTn)begin if(!RSTn) begin i <= 0; qi <= 0; end else if(Start_Sig) begin case({isDown1,isDown2,isDown3,isDown4}) 4'b1000 : if(direction == 2'b00) begin i <= 1; qi <= i; end else begin i <= 2; qi <= i; end 4'b0100 : if(direction == 2'b01) begin i <= 1; qi <= i; end else begin i <= 2; qi <= i; end 4'b0010 : if(direction == 2'b10) begin i <= 1; qi <= i; end else begin i <= 2; qi <= i; end 4'b0001 : if(direction == 2'b11) begin i <= 1; qi <= i; end else begin i <= 2; qi <= i; end endcaseendelse begin i <= 0; qi <= 0; endend //计时reg [15:0] cnt0;reg [15:0] cnt1;reg e;reg [1:0] ee;always@(posedge CLOCK_50, negedge RSTn)beginif(!RSTn) cnt0 <= 0; else if(cnt0 == 16'd49_999) cnt0 <= 0; else cnt0 <= cnt0 + 1;endalways@(posedge CLOCK_50, negedge RSTn)beginif(!RSTn) cnt1 <= 0; else if(e) begin if(cnt0 == 16'd49_999) cnt1 <= cnt1 + 1;endelse cnt1 <= 0; endalways@(posedge CLK_25, negedge RSTn)beginif(!RSTn) e <= 0;else case(e) 0: if((qi == 0) && (i == 1)) begin //正确提示 e <= 1; ee <= 1; end else if((qi == 0) && (i == 2)) begin //错误提示 e <= 1; ee <= 2; end else e <= 0; 1: e <= cnt1 == 10'd5000 ? 0 : 1; endcase end/*wire [1:0] direction;wire [1:0] ee;wire e;judge j0( .CLOCK_50(CLOCK_50), .CLOCK_25(CLOCK_25), .RSTn(RSTn), .KEY(KEY), .e(e), .ee(ee) ); */ always@(posedge CLK_25, negedge RSTn)beginif(!RSTn)begin vga_r<=0; vga_g<=0; vga_b<=0;endelse if(e == 0) begin case(direction) 2'b00: //右 begin if((X>=215 && X<=240 && Y>=110 && Y<=370) || ((X>=240 && X<=400) && ((Y>=110 && Y<=130) || (Y>=230 && Y<=250) || (Y>=350 && Y<=370)))) begin vga_r <= 0; vga_g <= 0; vga_b <= 0; end else begin vga_r <= 128; vga_g <= 128; vga_b <= 128; end end 2'b01: //上 begin if((X>=190 && X<=450 && Y>=307 && Y<=332) || ((Y>=147 && Y<=307) && ((X>=190 && X<=210) || (X>=310 && X<=330) || (X>=430 && X<=450)))) begin vga_r <= 0; vga_g <= 0; vga_b <= 0; end else begin vga_r <= 128; vga_g <= 128; vga_b <= 128; end end 2'b10: //左 begin if((X>=375 && X<=400 && Y>=110 && Y<=370) || ((X>=215 && X<=375) && ((Y>=110 && Y<=130) || (Y>=230 && Y<=250) || (Y>=350 && Y<=370)))) begin vga_r <= 0; vga_g <= 0; vga_b <= 0; end else begin vga_r <= 128; vga_g <= 128; vga_b <= 128; end end 2'b11: //下 begin if((X>=190 && X<=450 && Y>=147 && Y<=172) || ((Y>=172 && Y<=332) && ((X>=190 && X<=210) || (X>=310 && X<=330) || (X>=430 && X<=450)))) begin vga_r <= 0; vga_g <= 0; vga_b <= 0; end else begin vga_r <= 128; vga_g <= 128; vga_b <= 128; end end endcaseendelse if(e == 1) begin case(ee) 1: begin vga_r <= 0; vga_g <= 128; vga_b <= 0; end 2: begin vga_r <= 128; vga_g <= 0; vga_b <= 0; end endcase end endendmodule
3. suijishu.v
module suijishu(input clk,input RSTn,input Start_Sig,output Done_Sig,output [1:0] direction);reg [3:0] e;reg [1:0] rd;reg [1:0] qd;reg rDone;always @ (posedge clk or negedge RSTn)if(!RSTn) begin e <= 4'd0; rd <= 2'd0; qd <= 2'd0; rDone <= 0;endelse begin if(Start_Sig == 1) begin rd <= e[1:0]; qd <= rd; rDone <= 1; end else e <= e + 1'b1;end//防止与上一次重复assign direction = (qd == rd) ? rd+1 : rd;assign Done_Sig = rDone;endmodule
4. Button_Module.v
module Button_Module(input CLOCK_50,input RSTn,input key,output isDown);/*//按键按下后有个延迟等待时间,知道键被松开reg i; //当前ireg qi; //当前i的前一个状态always@(posedge clk or negedge RSTn) begin if(!RSTn) i <= 1'b1; else case(i) 1'b0: begin i <= key == 1'b0 ? 1'b0 : 1'b1; qi <= i; end 1'b1: begin i <= key == 1'b1 ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; qi <= i; end endcaseend*///===========电平检测模块============parameter T100US = 11'd4999;reg [10:0] Count1;reg isEn;//电平检测不稳定需延时100USalways @ (posedge CLOCK_50 or negedge RSTn) if(!RSTn) begin Count1 <= 11'd0; isEn <=1'b0; end else if(Count1==T100US) isEn <= 1'b1; else Count1 <= Count1 + 1'b1;//检测按键状态 reg H2L_F1;reg H2L_F2;reg L2H_F1;reg L2H_F2;always @ (posedge CLOCK_50 or negedge RSTn) if(!RSTn) begin H2L_F1 <= 1'b1; H2L_F2 <= 1'b1; L2H_F1 <= 1'b0; L2H_F2 <= 1'b0; end else begin H2L_F1 <= key; H2L_F2 <= H2L_F1; L2H_F1 <= key; L2H_F2 <= L2H_F1; endwire H2L_Sig; wire L2H_Sig; assign H2L_Sig = isEn ? (H2L_F2 & !H2L_F1) : 1'b0;assign L2H_Sig = isEn ? (!L2H_F2 & L2H_F1) : 1'b0;//=============消抖模块===============parameter T1MS = 16'd49_999;reg [15:0] Count2;reg [3:0] Count_MS;//延时1MSalways @ (posedge CLOCK_50 or negedge RSTn) if(!RSTn) Count2 <= 16'd0; else if(isCount && Count2==T1MS) Count2 <= 16'd0; else if(isCount) Count2 <= Count2 + 1'b1; else if(!isCount) Count2 <= 16'd0; always @ (posedge CLOCK_50 or negedge RSTn) if(!RSTn) Count_MS <= 4'd0; else if(isCount && Count2==T1MS) Count_MS <= Count_MS + 1'b1; else if(!isCount) Count_MS <= 4'd0;reg isCount; reg Pin_Out; reg [1:0] i;always @ (posedge CLOCK_50 or negedge RSTn) if(!RSTn) begin isCount <= 1'b0; Pin_Out <= 1'b0; i <= 2'd0; end else case(i) 2'd0: if(H2L_Sig) i <= 2'd1; else if(L2H_Sig) i<= 2'd2; 2'd1: if(Count_MS == 4'd10) begin isCount <= 1'b0; Pin_Out <= 1'b1; i <= 2'd0; end else isCount <= 1'b1; 2'd2: if(Count_MS == 4'd10) begin isCount <= 1'b0; Pin_Out <= 1'b0; i <= 2'd0; end else isCount <= 1'b1; endcase assign isDown = Pin_Out; //Pin_Out为1表示按键被按下,为表示松开endmodule
5. sighting.v
//=======================================================// This code is generated by Terasic System Builder//=======================================================module sighting( CLOCK // CLOCK_50, RSTn, LED // LEDG, LEDR, KEY // KEY, VGA // VGA_B, VGA_BLANK_N, VGA_CLK, VGA_G, VGA_HS, VGA_R, VGA_SYNC_N, VGA_VS );//=======================================================// PORT declarations//======================================================= CLOCK //input CLOCK_50;input RSTn; LED //output [8:0] LEDG;output [17:0] LEDR; KEY //input [3:0] KEY; VGA //output [7:0] VGA_B;output VGA_BLANK_N;output VGA_CLK;output [7:0] VGA_G;output VGA_HS;output [7:0] VGA_R;output VGA_SYNC_N;output VGA_VS;//=======================================================// Structural coding//=======================================================//====================VGA显示========================VGA_Control v0( .CLOCK_50(CLOCK_50), .RSTn(RSTn), .KEY(KEY), .VGA_BLANK_N(VGA_BLANK_N), .VGA_CLK(VGA_CLK), .VGA_SYNC_N(VGA_SYNC_N), .VGA_VS(VGA_VS), .VGA_HS(VGA_HS), .VGA_R(VGA_R), .VGA_B(VGA_B), .VGA_G(VGA_G));endmodule
收获:看了那么多代码,明白了什么时候用reg,什么时候用wire,reg 和 wire 后面的[]里的数怎么自己根据情况定。
- 还有就是想循环间歇性执行某个操作的时候,因为没有for语句,所以实现起来还是有点技巧的,具体的技巧我体会得也不是很透彻,还有待阅读更多书籍丫。。。